Robert Svilpa
2 min readJul 14, 2024


Back in "Beaver Cleaver" times, when the Atomic family meant the man works, the woman is SAHM and domestic engineer - and because the economic conditions were such that one income could support a family in a house with one car, dog and cat this was the standard of the time.

Today though, and I will be perfectly honest that I and my family don't represent the typical average household, with two incomes being needed I think that the survey results misrepresent some of the actuals.

I absolutely need to be fully engaged with the kids and the activities around maintaining the family unit, on top of working and such. My wife's work schedule is actually much less flexible than mine as I can work remotely and still be 100% productive. Kids sick? I'm here taking them to the doctor or the clinic and responding to work issues on my mobile device, or on my workstation from my home office keeping track of the state of our sick child. I'm Soccer Dad, or Music Lessons Dad, or UberDad taking oldest boy to his part time job, picking up and dropping off kids at school, paying bills and doing laundry/dishes/making breakfast & dinner, etc...

Men get short shrifted these days in terms of what slack or duties they pick up. I don't keep a tally of what I do since I don't want to do an accounting of what I do vs what my wife does - who needs to stoke resentment of either you or your partner when everyone knows marriage is not 50/50 - in reality its 100/100. And when the split isn't a split but demands full participation, why count number of hours spent as if you were at work and showing how you performed beyond expectations?

There are men who don't show up for their partners, just like the reverse is true in fewer cases. Lets not paint the 49.8% of the population with a wide coarse brush though just to shame those who are selfish and determined to live their own best lives buried in PlayStation, XBox or the bottle.



Robert Svilpa
Robert Svilpa

Written by Robert Svilpa

High tech leader and career mentor, reluctant political activist, budding author, accomplished musician and luthier

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