Essentially, Herschel is a placeholder for TFG - I can just imagine the uncomfortable conversation TFG had encouraging Log to run for Senate:
TFG: Herschel, its there for you. You've got the ratings, you've got the smile - you would win BIGLY especially because I would endorse you. I've made careers - DeSantis, Scott. You just watch - Dr Oz in PA and that crazy bitch Lake in AZ will both clean up, and both are TV stars like me. I will do that with you
Log: Geez I dunno Mr Trump - I am not the smartest hammer in the bag...
TFG: You can take it all the way to the House... er ah The Senate. Just like back in those days you were with the Generals - remember who was your boss back then, right? I made you who you are today, without my help you would be nobody... Think of all the money you'll make, I'll help you
Log: Uh huh, yeah okay - I guess it wont do much bad for my image... I mean I done nothing wrong