I get the point that is being made here - but as much as I think there is a terrible subtext of objectifying women that even some women themselves are perpetuating, the bottom line is Adam Levine is a piece of shit. I would and have said the same thing about all men, some of whom I did call friends and even family at one point, who cheated on their wives at any time during their "happy" marriage.
It ultimately will cost Adam Levine dearly in every way if there is any real substance and absolute proof to this story. It cost many of my former friends everything they had and were when the dust settled, and taking hold of the carrot dangled in front of them exposed them for the weak, selfish, insecure and unworthy people that they had buried within themselves. Everyone, and I really mean that, has opportunities to go elsewhere for their milk and honey in their lives - it's knowing that milk and honey are at home and ready for you if you only open your eyes and see it, that's what makes for strong, secure and mature men and women.
Judging people by their looks will always happen, regardless of how fair it is/isn't. Just like judging by the thickness of your wallet - that still goes on and for many it is strongly encouraged. The same has and can continue to be said about the color of one's skin, your gender identity, sexual orientation, etc... How you rise above that to not make it a primary quality of determining a person's character and worthiness is what will continue to be a challenge for everyone, me included.