I hope that I'm not sounding like a tin foil hat conspiracy nut, but there are too many wheels in motion that are working towards the common goal of setting up an oligarchy in the USA. Billionaire supporters of the GOP who have published the Project 2025 manifesto promoting a Putinesque government structure with a willing puppet with the name of Trump to be the figurehead. Carlson and others are the propaganda wing feeding lies to the electorate to instigate the votes to effect these policies to be put in place. The only thing missing here is the calls to eradicate Nazism...
Abandoning NATO and putting up Christian Nationalist isolationism serves Russia and China very well. Russians have had the Orthodox Church sanctioning Putin's regime and actions for decades now, ensuring the truth about Ukraine, Chechnya, Georgia etc never reach the citizens' ears.
If we in the USA continue to let this message be spread under the guise of 1st Amendment protections without screaming out the counterpoint details of Project 2025 and the bigger picture, allowing the GOP to have even the chance to win in November, then we deserve everything we get.