The article you wrote should have ended before the word "somnambulant" - at that moment I realized that I'm reading Russian propaganda directly intended to sway independents to vote for the guy who wants to make the west weaker and less unified to promote Putin's vision of the world he wants. One where he can march into any former Soviet or Russian Empire occupied nation and take it without anyone else complaining or threatening retribution.
It's pretty well known at this point even for the layperson that Putin has overplayed his hand in Ukraine, and the actions of going to China and North Korea are equivalent to extending his hat asking for donations to rebuild his arsenal and technological assets. Showing strength by sailing into Cuba is nothing more than a bluff, the only concern should be if he is leaving behind even a handful of hypersonic missiles that even just one of them will be functional. I would hazard to say that any threats of using nuclear ICBMs is also a bit of a bluff in his poker game since 15 years of plundering by the oligarchs who have propped him up all these years had to get their money from somewhere, selling fissile material and weapon components to Iran, North Korea and other hostile nations would be a very quick way to build one's wealth during a lawless time headed by Yeltsin and early Putin regime.
Russians need to rise up and take out the ruling class - Putin and all the oligarchs who have initiated and support a futile war that will only cripple their economy and standing in the world. At this point that would be the only way to end the conflict and rebuild a nation filled with very smart people who can create a nation that truly is for the people.